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5 events have been carried out within this project:

Event 1 – TRAINING

Participation: The event involved citizens, including …. participants of (youth, community leaders, etc)
Location / Dates: The event took place in Tallinn, Estonia, on 25/01/2024
Short description: The aim of the event was to ……
Main part of the project was dedicated to the traninig and public debates which included following working methodology key elements:
Positivity- the aim is to be focused on the positive aspects of migrants & minority involvement in society. How the target group contribute to the well being of a society or a region like Europe. How cultural diversity is a richness and the benefits of belonging to the European communities.
Intercultural dialogue – providing a voice to the disadvantaged and a forum where they can be heard and engaged.
Comparative perspective- involving other organisations and communities of Europe.
Each public debate has been dedicated for specific topic.

The public debates has been a one day event which have included an intensive programme of official discussions, workshops, trainings, study visits, project proposals and development of content.

In frame of the project we have achieved many positive results:

  • We have organised 6 public debates with diverse programm, that was organised to celebrate Unity in diversity.
    Events included: media campaign, debates, trainings, sharing stories, concerts, intercultural fair, exhibition, creative and educational workshops and an official international summarizing conference of the program.
  • Participants of the project have gained new skills & knowledge regarding inclusion, participation, overview of local and EU policies and specially migration and integration action plans . They also discovered the role of civil society organisations in ensuring the integration of migrants and refugees in EU.
  • Participants of the project and particularly Civil Society have developed a new set of guidelines and responses on migration crises by setting new action plan for Pact on migration and asylum and supporting migrant & minority communities in exercising their rights and responsibilities in society.
  • Through dialogue and education, the project has increased the communities’ tolerance, intercultural dialogue and mutual understanding.
  • Through debates and opinions polls we have collected data (across Europe) on political discourse on local and EU level, on extremist and populist movements, distinct conceptions and migration/minorities challenges that we used to formulate practical solutions for politicians and stakeholders acting as on national or European level.
  • Participants have improved their own understanding of the EU policy making-process, had a change to get to know more about legal and executive power representatives and participation of EU citizens in the policy making process by full engagement and sharing opinion by proposing practical solutions, empowerment of collaboration and sharing European values like: freedom, rule
    of law, equality, participative democracy and promoting peace and stability in our communities.

Programme pictures gallery
Programme materials and reports
Programme questionaires

Programme has involved participation of … experts, officials, etc.

Totally in project activities directly took part 550 people and through communication and indirect activities 50000people.